

INTEGRE is a participatory project for implementing new governance forms and developing an activity programme designed and monitored by a large number of partners.

In French Polynesia, INTEGRE aims to :

  • Improve networking and capacity among all stakeholders involved in environmental management
  • Assess the way EEZ monitoring is organised and managed and the costs of managing climate-change-effect mitigation and adaptation
  • Strengthen organic farming so as to help develop more environmentally-sound and less input-heavy agriculture



In French Polynesia, the Territorial Technical Coordination Committee finalises the territorial project sheet for submission to the steering committee and monitors the project at the territorial level.

Records of Territorial Technical Coordination Committee (CCTT) : 

For Each pilot Site, a Local Committe  brings together the various actors involved in the project, including representative of the civil society. it's a forums for discussion and sharing between the various project stakeholders who monitor activity implementation. It meets twice a year.

French polynesia project governance


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