Cross-cutting actions

nord pano poum

IINTEGRE is also implementing cross-sector, theme-based activities to establish ties between the various pilot sites and incorporate New Caledonia into the regional OCT networks and showcase the knowledge acquired throughout the Pacific. More details on these cross-sector activities are provided below.

1. Set up a pilot organic farm network

2. Develop a climate-change adaptation strategy

3. Build capacity and fostering exchanges

INTEGRE in New Caledonia has produced considerable outputs and experience and is carrying out communication activities to widely share the results and new knowledge.




This is part of a regional activity designed to further develop organic agriculture in the Pacific.The objective is to promote sustainable, economically-sound business that is appropriate for island environments. It has three components :

1/ Promoting and developing organic farming in the three French-speaking Pacific island OCTs
- Improve organic farming techniques; and
- Strengthen POETCom (Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community), the regional organic-farming promotion network, and French-speaking OCT participation in the network.

This has involved setting up three pilot organic farms, i.e. one in New Caledonia at Do Neva Agricultural High School, Houaïlou, another on Wallis & Futuna at Wallis Agricultural High School and a third in French Polynesia at Opunohu Agricultural High School. Farm trials, technical and vocational training sessions, and feedback meetings are held. The results will be maximized Pacific-wide and discussed during regular regional exchanges.

In New Caledonia :

2/ Conducting soil-fertility, crop-disease, crop-pest and genetic-material trials at the Do Neva Agricultural High School’s organically-certified farm in Houaïlou and the Houaïlou growers network’s farms, which are also organically-certified. Joint funding was provided for equipment, two part-time high school technicians, the Biocaledonia Association and technical consultants ; 

3/ Providing feedback and technical and vocational training are being facilitated for growers, students and professional players at the rate of one session a year.


Provisional Amount : XPF 21 million/ € 175 896

Operators : New Caledonian Chamber of Agriculture, Biocale- donia and Do Neva Agricultural High School

For more details, consulte Activity statement

Synthesis of planned activities :


This activity aims to develop a climate-change adaptation strategy in New Caledonia and incorporate the territory into regional networks dealing with this area. The main element is a PhD thesis on climate projections jointly supervised by IRD and Météo France (French Meteorological Office). Jointly funded by INTEGRE to the tune of XPF 10.1 or EUR 85,000 and funding a climate-change adaptation strategy study.

Provisional Amount : XPF 12 million/ € 100 000

Operators : IRD and the Government of New Caledonia


Synthesis of planned activities :


This activity is driven by the Wilderness Conservation Agency (CEN) and provides support to pilot sites. It consists of three components :

1/ Organising management committee forums Scheduled for 2015 with a budget of XPF 8 M (EUR 67,041). Contributed 40% of the budget, i.e. XPF 3 M (EUR 25,140).

2/ Experience exchanges between management committees Budget: XPF 1 M (EUR 4000 over two years).

3/ Training for management committee members, field facilitators and provincial technicians working in the area Tailor-made training every two years based on needs expressed.

Provisional Amount : XPF 8,5 million/ € 71 230

Operator : CEN

For more details, consulte Activity statement


Synthesis of planned activities :


Target Groups : 

Communication efforts should be aimed at a specific audience, such as partners, experts and decision-makers, but also the general public that is increasingly concerned about environmental issues. Communication is designed for consumption at local pilot-sites, territory-wide, regionally in the South Pacific and internationally in Europe. As a result, the target groups are varied :

  • Local project partners, e.g. management committees, operators, staff and CEN
  • All stakeholders living or working on pilot sites or nearby, such as the community, traditional leaders, business people and local associations
  • Local decision-makers and government authorities that are directly or indirectly concerned by the project and their departments, i.e. the three provinces’ departments, municipalities, elected officials in government, congress or the customary senate, New Caledonia’s French MPs and sen- ators, representatives of the French national government, the French ministry of overseas territories and the European Union
  • Local stakeholders involved in similar environmental projects, to facilitate exchanges and feedback in both directions, i.e. local environmental and cultural associations, donors, project leaders, the scientific and academic community, the educational community, tourist information bureaus and NGOs
  • Departments and associations dealing with culture, agriculture and the environment, such as the Kanak Cultural Development Agency (ADCK Tjibaou Centre), Chamber of Commerce and Environmental Observatory (OEIL)
  • Local, regional, French overseas and international media, whether web-based, paper press or television
  • Environmentally-aware general public and schoolchildren
  • Economic stakeholders operating in the coastal-area pilot sites, e.g. mining companies, fishers and hotels
  • Regional project partners and groups formed for project purposes so as to learn lessons from everyone’s experience and develop regional cooperation
  • Regional and European organisations that are directly or indirectly involved in the project, such as regional cooperation departments, the French departments of overseas territories and Europe-Pacific cooperation, SPC, Pacific Island Forum, European Union, SPREP (Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme)


Messages : 

Depending on the target groups, the messages will cover the following concepts :

  • New Caledonia has an outstanding coastal heritage, particularly in the UNESCO World-Heritage areas, which must be fully preserved for future generations
  • Integrated coastal management is an appropriate, tried and tested solution for sustainable development in South Pacific islands. It is environmentally sound and benefits local communities
  • The communities of Ouvea, the north-eastern coast and Far South are closely involved and play an active part in decisions and initiatives for preserving and using their environment so as to introduce sustainable solutions
  • Solutions and initiatives that have been successfully tried in New Caledonia can be used as examples and replicated elsewhere, particularly in the Pacific region and other French-speaking territories
  • INTEGRE provides assistance for local integrated management policies so as to strengthen and improve the process behind shared management of the environment. The three provinces, which are responsible for the environment, are also special project partners
  • Natural environment conservation helps society become more resilient to global change and natural disasters. It also helps maintain traditional culture and fosters greater harmony
  • It is beneficial for OCTs to cooperate with each other and other Pacific territories when introducing regional solutions to environmental and sustainable-development issues. The European Union and SPC provide them with support for de- veloping their projects



INTEGRE Project was working towards the following objectives :

  • Maintain the integrity of UNESCO World-Heritage-listed sites
  • Give fresh impetus to the participatory management process and involve local stakeholders more effectively
  • Help sustainably manage the sites and control human-induced threats

The balance of the activities is the following one :

- NC - C2BIO : Creation of a network of organic agriculture pilot farms in Houaïlou


The project has made it possible to create a real network dynamic between the Caledonian actors of " organic " (high school of Houaïlou, Biocalédonia, research organizations, provinces), and we have observed a knock-on effect, with the launch of experimentation in organic agriculture by the South province and Adecal. The approach adopted to link farmers' demands with technical experimentation is a model that is now being followed.

Capitalization was done through meetings, technical sheets and local sustainability of activities (organic yam conservation and composting). The 11th EDF will make it possible to continue the dynamic of organic farming in New Caledonia, by retaining the philosophy of INTEGRE: involve farmers to be as close as possible to their problem.

The project faced significant difficulties, limiting the results obtained :

At the end of November 2016, torrential rains fell on Houaïlou causing floods, landslides and human losses. The school, where the pilot farm is based, has been hit hard, causing many material losses and leading to a halt to ongoing experiments, with significant losses particularly concerning maize and yams.

The experiments are very time-consuming and the activity had not been correctly sized at the beginning.

In addition, there is a lack of skills to conduct meaningful tests. An additional budget has been allocated to Biocalédonia to allow them to spend their technician from one quarter to one half time on the project and to launch a technical support mission for the drafting of technical sheets.

For more details, consulte Activity statement : NC - C2.BIO Réseau de fermes-pilotes en agriculture biologique à Houailou

- NC - C2CCA : support for the implementation of a climate change adaptation strategy in New Caledonia


The issue, still relevant, must be re-appropriated by the Government of New Caledonia to finalize the strategy. It should be noted that it has been validated in the roadmap, to concentrate the first efforts on the issue of water resource management which is likely to be particularly under pressure with the global changes to come.

As this theme has been chosen within the framework of the 11th EDF, this is a good opportunity to work on this strategic dossier again.

For more details, consulte Activity statement : NC - C2.CCA Soutien à la mise en place d'une strategie d'adaptation au changement climatique en Nouvelle-Calédonie

- NC - C2CEN : Supporting World Heritage dynamics throughout New Caledonia


The activities were carried out in accordance with the programme. Supporting a "country structure" like CEN is essential to encourage exchanges and optimise certain actions such as training.

With very positive feedback and strong demand, the budget for this activity was increased during the project to :

  • Strengthen training: in 2016, training on associative management and project management was renewed in 2016 and the budget was made available for projects to offer new training in 2017, this time with a more technical content.
  • Renew support for the organization of the Management Committees Forum in 2017.

Only the organisation of exchanges between management committees has a mixed record. Several initiatives were unsuccessful either because of a lack of candidates or because of difficulties in the field. Greater coordination between the provinces and the CEN to provide feedback on exchange opportunities would undoubtedly have facilitated the implementation of this action initiated at the request of the management committees.

These activities complement the actions of the pilot sites and enable the members of the committees and associations involved in the management of the World Heritage site to develop their skills. It is an essential mechanism for the implementation of a participatory approach on World Heritage sites by enabling the actors to become autonomous in the implementation of their own initiatives.

For more details, consulte Activity statement : NC - C2.CEN Appui à la dynamique Patrimoine mondial à l'échelle de la Nouvelle-Calédonie



Documents of New Caledonia

Guide des tortues marines

Atelier régional sur l’agriculture biologique : en Nouvelle-Calédonie

Poster Igname Nom varietal en Ajie

Rendement pondéral Igname

Fiche technique Bio-pesticides

NC - Activity statement

NC - C2.BIO Réseau de fermes-pilotes en agriculture biologique à Houailou

NC - C2.CCA Soutien à la mise en place d'une strategie d'adaptation au changement climatique en Nouvelle-Calédonie

NC - C2.CEN Appui à la dynamique Patrimoine mondial à l'échelle de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

NC - Development of a composting unit in Houailou

Development of a municipal composting unit in Houailou - Synthetic market study

NC - Support for the implementation of integrated coastal zone management in INTEGRE project sites in New Caledonia

Appui méthodologique à la mise en place d'une gestion intégrée des zones côtières dans les sites du projet INTEGRE en Nouvelle-Calédonie - Séminaire prospectif "la participation dans la gestion des sites patrimoines mondial : finalités et opérationnalité du processus" - Note d'analyse des travaux et débats

NC - Climate Change Adaptation Tool

Outil d'adaptation au changement climatique - Cadre méthodologique d'élaboration

NC - Coral Reef Observation Network of New Caledonia

Réseau d'Observation des Récifs Coralliens de Nouvelle-Calédonie (RORC) - Campagne de suivi 2016-2017 - Etat de référence des stations d'Iaaï - Fiches descriptives

NC - The ERC sequence in New Caledonia

La séquence "ERC" en Nouvelle Calédonie - Etat des lieux et enjeux

Guide méthodologique de l'étude d'impact environnemental des projets et de la mise en oeuvre de la séquence ERC en Nouvelle-Calédonie

NC - Study on waste management experiences from environmental asbestos

Etude prospective sur les expériences de gestion des déchets issus de l'amiante environnemental / Proposition de solutions adaptées à la gestion des déchets amiantifères en Nouvelle-Calédonie

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