The main partners of the SPC for the Integre project in New Caledonia are :
- The Gouvernment of New Caledonia: co-pilot of the INTEGRE project with Franch Polynesia and the other european territories, the gouvernement is also involved in cooperation activities.
the 3 Provinces of New Caledonia : principal authorities with competence in environment in New Caledonia, the Provinces are the central partenrs of the project. they coordonate the activities of the pilot site project, together with INTEGRE's coordinator in New-Calédonia.
- le Conservatoire des espaces naturels : Focal department, it represents all three provinces on the steering committee (as a voting member). it may provide expertise on the relevance and consistency of the programme at the territorial levelhelps define territorial-level activities.
Events NC
- 19.12.17
Sortie du guide d'identification et suivi des tortues marines
Le projet INTEGRE a permis de financer, avec le soutien de l'Union européenne, le guide d'identification et suivi des tortues marines.
- 21.11.17
Semaine de formation aux écosystèmes calédoniens terrestres et marins et à la communication environnementale
Le Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels de Nouvelle-Calédonie a organisé, avec le soutien d’INTEGRE, une semaine de formation à l’attention des comités et association de gestion patrimoine mondial.
- 02.11.17
Coastal Erosion Day, 5th of March, Ouen Island, New Caledonia
The inhabitants of the small island Ouen, are directly impacted by the retreat of the coastline, at Ouara Bay, where the tribe is located.