The Project




"INTEGRE", INitiative des TErritoires pour la Gestion Régionale de l'Environnement, is a sustainable development project common to the four European Overseas Countries and Territories(OCTs) of the Pacific.





The INTEGRE project is a response to the challenges of sustainable development of territories to strengthen resilience.

A book presents the achievements of four years of a very dense project that involved many European overseas partners (OCT) in the Pacific.






Funded by the European Union from the 10th European Regional Development Fund (EDF) Pacific envelope, implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC), and led by French Polynesia (10th EDF Regional Authorising Officer), it aimed to promote integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) and strengthen regional cooperation in the field of sustainable development.

It was built in response to the priorities of the countries and territories, following several years of sharing which made it possible to set up an adapted operating or governance structure. The SPC coordination team assisted stakeholders in defining their action plans at the pilot site, country/territorial and regional levels.

Its constant concern was to create favourable conditions for the emergence of a common culture, to create innovative local dynamics, and to develop cooperation practices between heterogeneous actors. The integrated approach requires the involvement, from the outset, of all stakeholders. The challenge then was to create sustainable conditions for exchange and dialogue so that cooperation between these various actors, sometimes with divergent interests, could take shape in a sustainable manner. The development and dissemination of appropriate methodologies were thus an integral part of the project.

The success of an integrated coastal zone management approach depends on the collective dynamics and participation of local stakeholders. This is why the activity programmes of the INTEGRE pilot sites were drawn up and implemented by a large number of partners: administrations in charge of environmental policies and economic development, associations, socio-economic actors, research organisations, etc. In addition, at each of the pilot sites, local committees bringing together representatives of local communities and socio-economic actors met to monitor the implementation of the project.

The INTEGRE project also aimed to contribute to the integration of the OCTs into a regional dynamic for the preservation, management and enhancement of natural resources and island ecosystems. It gave the OCTs the opportunity to develop sustainable cooperation with the ACP countries on these common issues. The project benefited from the experience and technical support of organisations in the area participating in similar or complementary projects, notably in ACP countries.


The population concentration around the rich and productive coastal regions has led in many parts of the world to a strong development of human activities, sometimes poorly controlled, and as a result of a weakening of these areas. In the Pacific, the phenomenon is amplified by the island nature of the Pacific countries.

The degradation of environments has consequences on :

  • Economic development (degradation of areas with high tourist potential) ;
  • Public health (pollution) ;
  • Biodiversity (destruction of fragile areas, coral reefs, invasive species...) ;
  • The way of life of island populations who may encounter difficulties in ensuring their self-subsistence (destruction of natural barriers in coastal areas, depletion of lagoon resources,...) ;
  • The maintenance of cultural practices linked to these sites.

Integrated coastal zone management has been a proven response to coastal degradation for 20 years. Already implemented within the framework of certain ongoing programmes in the Pacific, it makes it possible to develop solutions adapted to local and long-term challenges, by directly involving the populations.

The project has been established in a process of stakeholder involvement, notably through this involvement in the development of activities and at the regional level, with the strengthening of links with partners in the region.

The INTEGRE project had one general objective and two specific objectives, with four major expected results and 12 activities.







illustration gizc


To achieve its objectives, the project has thus enabled :

INTEGRE Project Communication Plan

In accordance with Article 2 of Annex II of the EU-SPC Contribution Agreement, descriptive and financial reports were prepared by the project team and validated by the EU and the Steering Committee (COPIL) each year. That is 4 annual reports and one final report :

Rapport annuel n°1

Rapport annuel n°2

Rapport annuel n°3

Rapport annuel n°4

Rapport final INTEGRE

Rapport final INTEGRE - Fiches Régionales

Rapport final INTEGRE - Fiches Nouvelle-Calédonie

Rapport final INTEGRE - Fiches Wallis-et-Futuna

Rapport final INTEGRE - Fiches Polynésie française

Rapport final INTEGRE - Fiches Pitcairn

External reviews of INTEGRE organised by the European Commission are planned to monitor progress and ensure the outputs match the objectives.

Rapport ROM (2016) : ROM evaluation of project by the European Commission

Rapport d’évaluation à mi-parcours (2017) : Mid-term review by the European Commission

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INTEGRE project team, from the start of the project, took a step back from the actions implemented in the pilot sites and at the regional level and considered how to capitalise on the actions, knowledge and innovations developed within the framework of the project.

The establishment of the website made it possible to record a summary of information relating to the project throughout the project.

The documentation produced by the project (example: annual and quarterly reports, various reports of local committees, territorial technical coordination committees, COPIL, regional workshops, but also all studies) are an essential source of information for the capitalization of the project.

At the end of 2016, the team, accompanied by methodological experts, worked on drafting the project's capitalisation plan, which was validated by the EU in December 2016.

The year 2017 was devoted to writing the capitalisation report, which was published in May 2018.

INTEGRE project capitalization plan

INTEGRE Project Capitalization Report - April 2018

For more details, consulte Activity statement : REG - C1.4 Appui methodologique et capitalisation

For more details, consulte Activity statement : REG - C1.2 Renforcement et intégration des réseaux régionaux

Guide to Good Practice - Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plans for Ocean Island States and Territories

2014 © CPS - Réalisation Skazy : sites internet en Nouvelle-Calédonie